Call for proposals

27 August 2020

Fondation Tany Meva, in partnership with the Helmsley Charitable Trust, supports the governance of natural resources in the Atsimo Andrefana region. On the fringe of the closing of the project in 2020, Tany Meva launches the 2 following calls for proposals, for firms, agencies or groups of consultants :

– Capitalization of achievements and lessons learned on community management of natural resources in South-West Madagascar – Communication on projects supported by the Helmsley Charitable Trust Foundation (Ref. AP TM/2020/13): deadline September 15, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.

– Capacity building for associations promoting and receiving funding from the Helmsley Charitable Trust (Ref. AP TM/2020/14): deadline 16 September 2020 at 10:00 a.m.

Interested bidders may request the Call for Proposals package including the TOR by email at

Electronic submission of proposals is not permitted.

These should be submitted in a sealed envelope to one of the addresses below, indicating the title and reference of the Call for Proposals:

– Fondation Tany Meva, Lot I A I 1 Bis Ambatobe, 103 Antananarivo, Madagascar

– Fondation Tany Meva (Antenne Tahala Meva), Face Spirnam, Motombe Andranomena, 602 Tuléar Madagascar

A pre-conference will be held on September 4, 2020:

– At 9 am at the Tany Meva Foundation headquarters in Ambatobe.

– At 2pm at the Tahala Meva Tulear Antenna


Download :

– Call for proposals Capitalization

– TDR Capitalization

– Call for Proposals Capacity Building

– TDR Capacity Building